ค้นพบ 9 ผลลัพธ์

โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:07
บอร์ด: เกมส์ออนไลน์
หัวข้อ: Spider-webs blanket Australian landscape after floods
ตอบกลับ: 1
แสดง: 209

Spider-webs blanket Australian landscape after floods

Massive spider-webs stretching across trees and paddocks have formed near towns in Australia recently hit by floods. Residents in Victoria's Gippsland region say the gossamer-like veils appeared after days of heavy rain. In one area, a spider-web covered more than a kilometre along a road. Experts s...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:05
บอร์ด: เกมส์มือถือ
หัวข้อ: Alistair and Carolyn Whiteley make a non-alcoholic spirit at their
ตอบกลับ: 1
แสดง: 208

Alistair and Carolyn Whiteley make a non-alcoholic spirit at their

"The viability of this category is going to come down to drinks that you want to drink," says Ms Whiteley. "It's about socialising, it's about having fun [and] you don't need alcohol to do that," she says. Still, alcohol is Australia's drug of choice. Health authorities have said while there is no s...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:05
บอร์ด: เกมส์ออฟไลน์
หัวข้อ: Irene Falcone says the quality of alcohol-free beverages has drastically improved
ตอบกลับ: 1
แสดง: 226

Irene Falcone says the quality of alcohol-free beverages has drastically improved

Australian entrepreneur Irene Falcone's enthusiasm is as bright as the labels on the non-alcoholic wine and beer that fill the shelves in her ground-breaking store - Sans Drinks - on Sydney's affluent Northern Beaches. "This is the first non-alcoholic bottle shop in Australia and I picked a location...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:04
บอร์ด: นอกประเทศ
หัวข้อ: The Hong Kong paper that pushed the boundary
ตอบกลับ: 7
แสดง: 1463

The Hong Kong paper that pushed the boundary

Police did not name those arrested but confirmed that the five people, aged between 47 and 63, were arrested for "collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security". Apple Daily: The Hong Kong paper that pushed the boundary This is the second raid to take place...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:03
บอร์ด: ภายในประเทศ
หัวข้อ: Hong Kong sends 500 officers in pro-democracy paper raid
ตอบกลับ: 1
แสดง: 308

Hong Kong sends 500 officers in pro-democracy paper raid

Some 500 policemen raided the offices of pro-democracy paper Apple Daily in Hong Kong, alleging its reports breached a national security law. Police also arrested the editor-in-chief and four other executives at their homes. It also froze HK$18m ($2.3m; £1.64m) of assets owned by three companies lin...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:02
บอร์ด: เกมส์ออฟไลน์
หัวข้อ: Botswana mourn death of former coach Bright
ตอบกลับ: 15
แสดง: 1145

Botswana mourn death of former coach Bright

The Botswana Football Association (BFA) has paid tribute to former national team coach David Bright who has died at the age of 64. In a statement the BFA said that it was "reeling in shock and mourning the death of Major Bright who passed away on Monday evening after he was diagnosed with Covid-19 r...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:01
บอร์ด: เกมส์มือถือ
หัวข้อ: NRA chief's elephant shooting video sparks outrage
ตอบกลับ: 1
แสดง: 246

NRA chief's elephant shooting video sparks outrage

Footage has emerged of the head of the US National Rifle Association (NRA) repeatedly shooting an elephant in Botswana, sparking outrage. First published by the New Yorker and The Trace on Tuesday, the 2013 video shows Wayne LaPierre firing at the animal from point-blank range. After Mr LaPierre str...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 15:00
บอร์ด: Machine
หัวข้อ: Botswana diamond could be world's third largest
ตอบกลับ: 56
แสดง: 3132

Botswana diamond could be world's third largest

A diamond believed to be the third largest ever found has been put on display in Botswana. The stone - weighing 1,098 carats - was shown to President Mokgweetsi Masisi, two weeks after the diamond firm, Debswana, unearthed it. The huge gem is only slightly less heavy than the world's second-largest ...
โดย Beauty
17 มิ.ย. 2021, 14:59
บอร์ด: เกมส์ออนไลน์
หัวข้อ: China launches first crew to new space station
ตอบกลับ: 1
แสดง: 313

China launches first crew to new space station

China has launched three astronauts into orbit to begin occupation of the country's new space station. The three men - Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo - are to spend three months aboard the Tianhe module some 380km (236 miles) above the Earth. It will be China's longest crewed space mission...