Cleaning plastic painted walls

โพสต์: 97
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 30 มี.ค. 2021, 06:14

Cleaning plastic painted walls

โพสต์ โดย merehan » 07 เม.ย. 2023, 12:22

Cleaning plastic painted walls
Before you start cleaning the walls painted with plastic, cover the furniture and appliances in the room, and then use a flipper to clean the ceiling from the spider and pass the fin on all the walls to remove dust, and then determine the type of spots On the plastic-painted walls are they dust spots, food stains, or works Art for your talented children in drawing on the walls, because each stain has a different cleaning method.

In the event of ink stains on the walls painted with plastic, put an amount of any type of toothpaste on the stain, then rub the stain with a sponge dampened with a little water until it disappears, then dry the place of the stain well. Dip it in a bowl of baking soda, and rub the stain well until it is gone, and then remove the remnants of baking soda with a cloth dampened with water.

Before holidays and important occasions, you can wash the walls with a sponge dampened with water and dishwashing liquid, then rinse them with water and dry them with a dry cloth. You can also open the fans to help dry them faster.

And if these methods are not feasible with difficult stains on the walls of your home, you can request a paint service from the Taxi company application on Google Play, and use one of the technicians contracted with the company to do a wall cleaner at competitive prices .

And do not forget to enter the Taxi application from time to time to review the latest discounted offers offered by the Taxi company in all household services.

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