groups aim to boost intra-Asia and South Caucasus

โพสต์: 989
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 05 ต.ค. 2022, 19:38

groups aim to boost intra-Asia and South Caucasus

โพสต์ โดย Ibrahim2020 » 07 ก.ย. 2023, 21:49

Here are some additional details that could be provided about tourism in Asia and Georgia:

- Culinary tourism is a major draw as both regions have ancient food cultures ranging from Chinese dim sum to Georgian khachapuri cheese bread. Cooking schools are popular.

- MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions) tourism plays a key role as Asia and Georgia offer competitive convention infrastructure.

- Regional cooperation groups aim to boost intra-Asia and South Caucasus travel. Examples include ASEAN and the Baku Initiative between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

- Youth and volunteer travel programs expose young people to cross-cultural exchange opportunities within Asia and between the continent and Georgia.
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- While major urban areas see significant foreign visitors, niche emerging destinations in Asia like Bhutan and in Georgia like Kakheti receive growing international interest.

- Hyper-local community-run guesthouses, homestays and agritourism experiences provide more meaningful cultural immersion than chain hotels.

- Digital nomads find Asia and Georgia attractive long-term stay options given affordable costs and decent broadband access in major locales.

- Both regions face issues like over-commercialization, pollution and strained infrastructure, driving more thoughtful planning around carrying capacities.

- Sustainability certification programs for green hotels, all-female guides and other socially-focused enterprises benefit communities.

- Major source markets include China and Russia for Asia and Georgia respectively, in addition to Western European countries.
