Emergency departments in NI facing pressures 'on par with winter'

โพสต์: 61
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 23 มิ.ย. 2021, 09:50

Emergency departments in NI facing pressures 'on par with winter'

โพสต์ โดย gmong » 07 ก.ค. 2021, 11:50

Emergency departments in NI facing pressures 'on par with winter'


Emergency departments in slotxo NI are experiencing demand on a par with winter pressures, say health trusts.

It comes as the Department of Health has launched a Stay Well campaign, in a bid to ease the strain on hospitals.

It is thought limits on capacity throughout the system are part of the issue.

As well as Covid-19 prevention measures, there are backlogs caused by limits on intermediate, social and domiciliary care.

The backlogs mean people cannot be discharged from hospital if care packages cannot be provided.

Other causes include people attending emergency departments because they've deteriorated while on waiting lists, and those seeking medical care for new conditions or mental health concerns that have developed during lockdown.

And while admission rates remain low, hospitals are also providing care for a growing number of Covid-19 patients.

There are concerns the frustrations of patients forced to wait in emergency departments have led to abusive behaviour towards health workers - something the health minister says won't be tolerated.

"Our health and social care system was fragile before the pandemic and the last 18 months have inflicted untold damage," said Robin Swann.

"The truth is that the system as a whole is struggling to cope with current levels of demand for care.

"This is severely impacting emergency departments, GP services, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and other areas."

The minister said he was "deeply concerned" at reports of aggressive and abusive behaviour towards staff.

โพสต์: 32
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: 20 ก.ค. 2021, 15:20


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